Really important question - so glad you asked! You are right to be cautious, but you can rest assured that when you share your personal information with Prime Research, your data is completely secure. Our participant details are used exclusively to match the right people to the right market research activities. We do not sell your personal information to a third party.
In fact, we go to great lengths to ensure that all the details disclosed by our registered participants, remain strictly confidential.
Have you ever noticed that when you enter your personal details onto a website, a small green padlock pops up on the left in the URL bar? When you register your personal information with Prime Research, that’s what you’ll see. The green padlock indicates that you are visiting a secure website. It shows that we have met a specific set of criteria to secure what is called an Extended Validation Secure Socket Layer (EV SSL) Certificate. This means that all the information you share with our company remains private and cannot be accessed by any other source. The testing process is rigorous and we repeat it every two years. This means that all the information you share with our company remains private and is not subject to unauthorised access.
In short, we value your privacy. As a business, dependent on personal information to match participants with relevant market research recruitment projects, your confidence in us is critical.
Since 1996 Prime Research has treated the confidentiality of it’s panel members with the highest regard. We wouldn’t be here if we didn’t.
So register with confidence for our paid market research, in the knowledge that your personal information is safely between you and Prime Research.
Please contact our customer service team here if you have any questions regarding our market research recruitment services.